Napoleon once said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Back then, he was only talking about random pictures and was unaware of the magical world of videos. In the present age, due to the advancement in technology, we can easily make high quality videos of almost everything from a live concert to a beautiful scenic view. It is a scientific fact that an average literate human reads at a pace of 200 - 240 words per minute while a human can only speak at a rate of about 100 – 150 words per minute. So, it is obvious that content such as a research paper, article or blog provided in written form will be more efficiently communicated to the masses. Just imagine the benefits if the same information is conveyed through a video! Emotions, sentiments and feelings cannot be conveyed effectively through writing, but through a video it is possible to convey all these emotions convincingly.
Video can be used as an efficient medium for marketing and advertisement. It is a common observation that the graphical representation of a concept or idea is understood more easily by the audience. Even in classrooms, teachers regularly take the help of a graphical medium such as a presentation or a video so that the students can understand the lectures in a better way. Through photos and videos concepts can be conveyed more easily. Hence, videos are more impressive and understandable than words.
In today’s busy world, nobody has enough time to read pamphlets and brochures so it is imperative that advertisements should be conveyed through short videos to make them more efficient and effective. Transmission of your ideas to a client through a video is like meeting the client in person. Making a video of your product or the service that you offer adds credibility to your profile. A video keeps the viewers intrigued and occupied for longer than any other mode of advertisement. Statistically, it has been observed that video advertisements of a product increase its sales probability by 30 - 35 percent. Moreover, if your website or blog contains a large volume of videos as compared to the other sites, then it is more likely to be higher placed within search results. So, if you want to take your business to the next level then you must tap into the immense advertisement potential that video marketing has to offer.
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